How to cancel an American Airlines Flight?

How to cancel an American Airlines Flight?

After making the reservation with American Airlines, due to some unavoidable events, you must cancel it and have complete information about the process. It is easy to cancel the booking as the airline provides various mediums. But the most important thing you know about is the terms and conditions for it. To make your travel more convenient and hassle-free, American Airlines provides the best services. There are numerous mediums to cancel a flight ticket. If you have the most minor information for the same, then you do not need to worry. We will surely give you the detailed guidance in the paragraph below.

American Airlines cancelation policy.

The first thing you need to check to cancel the flight with American Airlines is the guidelines. It is vital to check whether you can cancel the booking or not. To get the accurate assistance for American Airlines cancellation policy, you need to read the article described below:

  • According to the 24-hour cancellation rule if the passenger cancels the booking within a day of the reservation then American Airlines will not charge any fees.
  • The passenger who makes a group booking can only cancel the flight on the official website.
  • If the airline revokes the flight due to technical issues, you will get a full refund.
  • You need to contact the travel agency for the cancellation if you book a flight ticket through them.
  • If the flight gets delayed and you miss your connecting flight, the airline will provide compensation or a new booking at no additional cost.
  • As per the fare restrictions, the passenger can cancel the booking on American Airlines.

Steps on American Airlines cancelation policy.

American Airlines provides different mediums for flight cancellations. It will depend on the policies, and you need to select the mode that will be more suitable for you. We will talk about the methods in the below-noted read.

Cancel the booking on the official website:

You can use the online process to cancel the booking with the airline. It is one of the most effective and best ways. To cancel the reservation, you need to follow the steps as per outlined below:

  • Open the official web link of American Airlines.
  • Scroll down the homepage, and you need to click on the option Help.
  • Now, tap on the Reservation and Ticket Change option.
  • It will move to the new page, and you will get the Manage My Trip option.
  • Fill out the Booking Reference Code and the last name of the passenger in the following sections. 
  • Details of the flight will be fetched on your screen.
  • Click on the option Cancel Booking. Read all the policies and then tap on continue.
  • After you complete the process then you will get the validation message on your mobile phone.

Use the calling process to cancel the booking:

To cancel the flight ticket, you can use the phone call process. It is one of the expeditious ways, and the customer service representative will resolve your issues quickly. You need to dial 1 (800) 433-7300 American Airlines cancellation phone number. Once you make a call then follow the directions given below:

  • After making the call, it will be forwarded to the automated voice of the computer.
  • It will provide you with the instructions, and then the call will be transferred to the IVR menu.
  • Listen to the options carefully and then select from them that rely on the query.
  • Then, the call will be routed to the executive, who give accurate assistance with your questions.

Visit the airport to cancel the booking:

If you are still searching for an alternative way to make the cancellation then you should go to the airport from where you have made the booking. Submit the ticket, ID proof, reason to cancel the ticket, government-approved identity, a copy of the passport, and other required papers. The customer support agent at the helpdesk will cancel the booking.

American Airlines cancelation policy cost.

The flight cancellation charges depend on numerous factors, such as the time of the cancellation, ticket type, and traveling route. However, if you need a thorough knowledge of American Airlines cancellation costs, then go through the instructions given below:

  • If you have made the domestic flight reservation, you need to pay approximately 25 to 80 dollars as the cancellation fee.
  • The passenger on the international flight needs to pay at least 90 to 180 dollars after canceling the reservation with American Airlines.
  • The airline will charge a higher amount if you cancel the booking two hours before the check-in. 


With the help of the procedures mentioned above you can cancel the flight ticket with American Airlines. But you will also need to follow the rules and regulations for the same. If you still need assistance, contact the airline's customer support executive. For more details, you can also use the official web page of American Airlines. 

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